Saturday, September 19

Momma & Max time

Today is our day. Matt and Payton are in Ohio, and we'll be joining them tomorrow, but for today, it's our day. We started at 8:30am at Tim Horton's for doughnuts and muffins. We ran a few errands and came home and relaxed a bit.

This afternoon, we're joining friends at the zoo and then I promised Max some time at Chuck E' Cheese. I know it'll be crazy, but that's his favorite place to go. I'll get him $5 in tokens and let him have at it, pick his prizes and we'll be out of there.

I have missed seeing his little face so much. While we were shopping, I was allowing him to have more of the "helper" role in things; the role his big brother usually plays. I was in awe of how much he's grown and maturing. He understands reasoning now...which is good and bad. Watching his face while he interacted with the people around us was so cool. He's such a social bug and his face is so animated.

He really is a very special boy and I'm so very very blessed to have this day just the two of us!!!


Danielle said...

That is so awesome. It is such a great thing to do to spend one on one time with each of the kids. I hope you guys enjoyed your whole day and that it will bring a smile to your face everytime you think about it!

shabby girl said...

It'll be wonderful for both of you! Every kid wants his parent's undivided attention, right?