Friday, September 19


Do you hear that silence? Isn't it nice?!

My inlaws left 30 minutes ago with my boys in tow for the weekend. Matt and I had planned to have dinner together, but I'm just not feeling up to eating, so I "let" him go out with his friends a little early. I'm hoping to be feeling better REALLY soon, as I have a Tiffisa date tonight. Much needed too.

But until then, I think I'm going to go take a bath. And maybe a nap. And wait for Tiffany to call me. Off to enjoy my quiet...


Lauren said...

Ohh I am jealous! I need someone to take my kids and DH away so I can hear myself think :) Enjoy your weekend!!

The D'Alessandro Family said...

Can your in-laws take mine too? Please? Enjoy!