Wednesday, December 17

PANIC!! Need prayers!! UPDATED

I'm in need of urgent prayers for a minor thing. I don't use ask for prayer for such trivial things, but I need 'em.

I was in charge of gathering money for Payton's teacher's gift card. I went today to purchase the $80 gift I can't find it. I'm 90% sure I brought it home and I remember looking at it...but I'm not sure if that was at the store or here at home.

I'm terrified that I won't find it by Friday and I'll have to go buy another one. It's just not something that Matt and I can afford to do right now.

PLEASE say a prayer that I'll find it ASAP so I can stop panicking.

Update: 12:30am I found the card!! I sat at the table, said a prayer and the next thing I picked up, the card was stuck to the back. Whew!!!! So glad I found it. Thank you for the prayers. Especially, Dot, Matt & Mom, who I know were really concerned for the card, but also my mental state. (I was going crazy and getting sick about the whole thing.) God is good. All the time.


Gene said...

Heavenly Father please calm Ellisa's spirit and help her to find the card that she needs, thank you in Jesus name Amem

Kim Cervone said...

Yes HE is!!!

Marissa said...

i know the panic and i'm so glad it was found.

ALL THE TIME!!!! ::love you::