Sunday, September 26

School Lunches: Week 3 Review

We're finally falling into a routine with our lunches.  Most days they only take me 5-10 minutes to pack.  Having a menu filled out in advance has been really helpful.  I filled out three weeks when I started them, just to make sure I wasn't repeating things too often.  I check it every weekend to make sure we have the grocery items we need to make everything.  After that, it's as simple as referencing the lists to see what I need to pack.  I also find that I don't serve "too much" of the same thing when I can see it written out. 

I have been using for a lot of fun ideas.  And has a lot of useful tips and images that have been helpful too.  Payton has enjoyed most of what I have sent, but he's sure to tell me when he doesn't like things too.  I've crossed a few items off our "go-to" list and added a few as well.  The pizza pockets are still a big hit...I really should make those again this week.

Thank you to everyone who's made supportive comments on Facebook or sent me "fun facts" for P's white board.  He's loving them all!  And the teachers at Reach are asking him what the "fun fact of the day" was.  :)

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