The first week back to "real life". It's just Friday...5 days of work...yet it feels like Christmas and all that family time was months ago.
I'm hired as the library/technology aide at my school. I love my job. Not just love your job like some people. I LOVE LOVE LOVE sharing books with the kids. I love hearing their opinions and thoughts on books. I love to see them excited about something they read. We have 600 plus amazing little kiddos who I get to see on a weekly basis. I'm blessed.
But sometimes things happen that I can't work my "normally scheduled" job. This week, as one of those weeks. I spent one day subbing for first grade, another for fifth grade and yet another day spending a few hours in art. I have been used more this year as a sub than last year and I'm starting to really get the hang of it. I actually really enjoyed the fifth graders I worked with this week. Art was fun too! I think it helps that they know I know the rules and ways of Reach Academy and don't push me as hard as they may a visiting sub.
It was a pretty good week really, but I'm so tired! I can't believe how tired I am really. I just want to sleep for 14 hours...again. Yeah, I did that one night this week already. I'd forgotten how tiring the waking early, working all day, care for the kids, drive the drive, homework, dinner, bed routine is. Real life isn't as much fun as winter break.