Wednesday, February 6

Rain, Sleet and Snow...oh my!

We woke up to thunderstorms in the night, followed by sleet this afternoon which turned to a full on snowstorm by 4pm today. When we got done with dinner, Payton asked to go outside and play in the three inches that had accumulated outside. After getting him all bundled up, he went out and threw snowballs at me and Maxwell on the other side of the front door.

After about ten minutes, I decided to get me and Max bundled up as well and we went outside to "play". Mind you, this was Maxwell's first encounter with "playing" in snow. He didn't like it.

He clung tightly to me for at least ten minutes. Then he realized the noise he'd been hearing was our neighbor's snowblower and he couldn't have been more happy. Everytime that snowblower passed by us he smiled. BIG smiles.

But eventually our neighbor was done and the snowblower was turned off. That was the end of the fun for Maxwell. Payton still had a great time throwing snowballs at me, our house, the trees and then cleaning off my car and attempting to shovel our walkway.

Ahhh. Gotta love Michigan winters!


Tiffany said...

so cute- I love them so!

Anonymous said...

GREAT pics!! i still have yet to let E truly encounter snow. :X

Lauren said...

i love all those pictures. really catches the moment!! they are just so cute!