Sunday, December 12

things I've learned

Things I've learned thus far during my stay in the hospital:

1. "I'll be right back" means at least 30 minutes.
2. The yellow gripper socks they give out make me happy because they have a big smiley face on them.
3.  My support network is way bigger than I thought.  I've heard from so many friends and family that I haven't been in close contact with in awhile.
4. Dilaudid (a narcotic) gives me really weird dreams.  I have been so hungry because I couldn't eat so every time I fell asleep, I would dream about food; food dancing, food singing, me eating food, other people eating food...
5. Having a laptop is crucial to a having the best hospital stay possible.
6. My friends are so supportive and loving.  A lot of friends, and even some very new friends, have gone out of their way to help with the kids or in other ways.  I'm so grateful.
7. "The doctor will be right with you." means you might as well take a nap- and dream about food.

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